I've a total emotional weekend. I have cried about every single day since Friday and I'm not sure why. Is it because I'm going crazy? It's quite possible. As a matter of fact, it is more than possible--it is the truth.
But rather than bore you all with my life that is wonderful that I have no right to complain about, I'd like to talk about other things to get my mind of the loveliness that is life right now. Note the sarcasm.
First off, my Jayhawks are 8-0, baby! First time since 1909!! Freaking amazing is all I have to say. I cannot wait until the game versus Mizzou at Arrowhead. It's going to be a hell of a game! And hooray for the Boston Red Sox. I'm not a huge baseball gal unless I am actually watching the game at the ballpark with a beer and hot dog in hand, but Game 4 was awesome to watch. And...that's enough of the sports talk. I'll spare you all.
Today I was sitting in class and this girl in there decides to get on the subject that she doesn't think we should have a woman president. A woman said this. I'm not even big into politics AT ALL, but it appalled me that a woman would say she doesn't want a woman president. I'm not saying that everyone has to like Hillary, but you have to hand it to her, it takes a lot of balls to run for president. Anyway, this girl goes on to talk about her religion and lets us all know that she doesn't want to have a job where she is above her husband. Really? I thought it was 2007 and I'm all about respecting other's beliefs, but you really think that a woman and a man can't have an equal partnership? I held my tongue for sure, on this one, but her comments totally shocked me. To each their own, I suppose, but open your eyes to the world.
I had a peach mojito (ok, I had 3) last night and there were amazingly delicious. I have to recommend that everyone try them. I promise you, you won't be let down. Well, that is, if you like mojitos, which I do, so hence the recommendation.
And, I stole this from Shari, my wonderful sister. So without further ado, here are the ABC's of me, which I'm sure you were all DYING to know. Don't lie, you know you want it.
A-Annoying. I can be amazingly annoying. I do it to get a rise out of people. I must get this from my dad. Big surprise there.
B-Bright. Yes, I think I'm at least sort of smart.
C-Crazy. After the last few days I've had, it's confirmed--I am crazy.
D-Drama. I hate it and don't like it in my life.
E-Emotional. I almost couldn't think of one, then I realized I'm emotional all the time. Hah.
F-Frightened. I get scared so easily. My brother always makes fun of me b/c I get scared when he jumps out at me. I wave my hands in front of my face and it's fairly entertaining.
G-Gooey. I could really go for some gooey warm chocolate chip cookies. Yummmm.
H-Haley. It's my name, sorry.
I-Irritable. I get grumpy easily.
J-Jiminy Christmas. I just like how it sounds.
K-Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. I think I'm quite possibly the only person in the world who doesn't like them.
L-Loved. I am.
M-Memorable. I really am not at all.
N-Nice. I think sometimes I am overly nice.
O-Optimism. It's a nice thought.
P-Peppy. My boss always wants me to be peppy.
Q-I got nothing.
R-Rapping. I love rapping to ghetto music. Don't ask me why.
S-Simple. I think things need to be this way.
T-Tuaca. A delicious Italian liquor I consume with my pals regularly.
U-Undeniably the coolest person you know. Haha.
V-Victorious. My Jayhawks were this weekend.
W-Wondering what life has in store.
X-Um, xylopone?
Y-Yallapalooza. Yes, I go every single year for the last 5 with my pal, Joy.
Z-Zany. Yep, I am.
Alright I'm sorry if you read any of that. On that note, I'm out.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Crazy ho's.
Randomly Thought Up By
8:45 PM
Other Random thoughts
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hello friends. It's another Wednesday and another day I'm stuck at school, trying to put off all the work that I need to get done. So it goes.
Last night was definitely an interesting night. I met my friend for a drink at Brio. Funniest thing ever: we saw two people probably my parents age, making out in the restaurant. And while it's great that they were extremely affectionate with each other, you can probably be sure that they were having an affair. They were sitting in a corner, the woman sitting on his lap, wedding rings that didn't match, and they seemed like they were being a little secretive. Tricky, tricky. It was a pretty funny and gross thing to watch.
I have to say that I'm not a big fan of PDA. I don't like watching people, of any age, making out in public. It's disgusting and makes me want to vomit. The extent that I would actually show PDA would be to give my non-existent significant other a peck and a hug. That's all. I don't know what it is, but I'm grossed out at other people's affection for one another. Call me weird, call me crazy, but I stick by it.
And that's all I have for today, pals. At least it's Wednesday, the week is almost over!
Randomly Thought Up By
12:16 PM
Other Random thoughts
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thanks for the comments from everyone. I really feel like I know what to do after reading what you all had to say and thinking about it all.
I thought I was ready for all the seriousness that comes along with a relationship, but sadly, I'm just not. He knows I'm not ready to be in a committed serious relationship and it seems that he is willing to stick around at least for a while. If it doesn't work out, then okay, and if it does, then cool. He's being awesome about my reservations with the seriousness. I just am not ready for all this settling down junk. I guess I thought I was. It's weird when you want something so much, but then when you finally get to a place where you can have it, you don't actually want what is being offered to you on a silver platter.
Thanks again! Love to you all!
Randomly Thought Up By
5:45 PM
1 Other Random thoughts
Monday, October 22, 2007
Whining is what I do best.
I have a question to pose to all the ladies out there in blogger land. When you met your significant other, did you really like them to begin with or was it sort of a growing process?
I am having this major meltdown over absolutely nothing. There is someone who likes me. He's been pursuing me for months and I finally agreed to go out with him not long ago because I just got tired of him bothering me. We went out and I didn't think much of it. Nice guy, but no real spark between us. Somehow we started hanging out, once every couple weeks or once a week. He texts me every single day. And he even sent me flowers the other day at work. And I don't care what anyone says, I am not used to getting flowers, so I think it's a big deal. Call me crazy, because I didn't think that was protocal, but that's what everyone is telling me.
I like him, but it isn't this intense feeling that I should be with him. I kind of feel like that everyone wants me to be with him and he's a nice enough guy, so what do I have to lose? He's done all these things to better himself so that I would maybe give him a chance. He quit working at the bar except for one night a week, got a real job, stopped acting completely ridiculous all the time. Everyone harps about how awesome he is and how we should be together, blah, blah, blah. I don't know. I enjoy his company and it's nice for someone to do nice things for me. I guess I want some obvious sign that'll tell me what to do.
I've been single for so long that I'm used to the way I do things. I thought that I was ready for a serious relationship but after the singlehood for so long, I'm not willing to compromise my life for someone else right now. I like doing what I want, when I want to. I like hanging out and talking to whomever I like, guys and girls, and not having to worry about working in some boyfriend's issues and time constraints also. I can't figure out if I'm just being selfish and I really am too scared to change my ways, or if I really don't want to get serious with this particular guy.
...I feel like a moron for complaining about someone who likes me and wants to do nice things for me. There are more important things going on besides that, but it's really something I can't get off my mind. I need help.
Randomly Thought Up By
10:05 PM
Other Random thoughts
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Strawberry Fields forever.
There are very few things in life that make me extremely mad. And even then, it takes more than one time for me to get really pissed. People that I hang out with decide that it is so important to make a big issue out of absolutely nothing and act like complete bitches about it. And then, me who is having a perfectly good time, has to mend everything so that we can continue with the good times. It's outrageous how much I have to take care of people and get them to calm down.
On a completely unrelated note, I want to thank all the fun folks who read my blog. It's all thanks to my sister! She's the bomb.
My freaking students were nuts today. I wanted to punch most of them in the face for being so annoying. They were crazy talkative and even when Tammie (my mentor teacher) yelled at them more than once, they still kept doing it. And Tammie is an intimidating lady if you are a high school student. I'd be scared. They were just so annoying. Most days they are usually just hyper but today they were such (pardon my french) assholes.
This is the day of completely random thoughts. I have nothing else in my head really.
I went and saw Across the Universe for the second time tonight. It is seriously a great movie. I guess I'm weird, but at least Jessica agreed with me. It is a little trippy and I feel like I need to smoke pot or do some other type of drug to really get some parts of the movie. Watching the film itself is enough to make you think you are high anyway. Still, I love it. And I'm so buying the soundtrack when it comes out, which actually is out, I think. Oh, and Shari you'll be interested to know that Eddie Izzard plays a small part in the movie.
Okay, I've been up since about 6am so I'm about ready to drop. Happy Friday, everyone!
Randomly Thought Up By
11:17 PM
Other Random thoughts
Monday, October 15, 2007
Irrational fears.
For lack of anything better to write, I'm going to share with all of you out there (oh wait, it's only my sister who reads this because I have no idea how to make friends in blogger world), a few really irrational fears I have. They are completely ridiculous, I warn you now. Don't say I didn't.
1) I have an immense fear I'm going to get trapped in our walk-in freezer at work. The first part of it is no big deal; it isn't the deep freezer, it just keeps things sort of cold. The second part is where it is sub-zero. There is a door on it and it has a knob that you push to get out. It doesn't lock or anything. For some reason, every time I go in there I am deathly afraid that I will get locked in there and no one will hear me. Weird, I know.
2) I don't like walking over those grates in the sidewalk. I think it has something to do with the show and movies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My brother and I loved the turtles and watched them constantly. We even acted like we were them. They lived under the sewers and they came out of those grates (I think, I don't actually remember). I always think that I'm going to fall through or maybe that a four and a half foot talking turtle that walks upright is going to pop out. Either way, it's a weird thought.
3) I don't like driving around those twisty and turny roads where they go around and around until you are up really high, like down by the lake. Usually whoever I'm riding with wants to go really fast around these curves and I think that we are going to fly off into nothing and die. It never fails that every year when I go down to Table Rock Lake with my pals that someone drives way too fast and I think that it's going to happen.
And, three is enough. Apparently I have a huge fear of dying in some ridiculous manner that you never hear someone dying from. I'm a crackhead. That's all there is to it.
Randomly Thought Up By
7:30 PM
Other Random thoughts
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
So, I did it. I know no one on here that hasn't already been tagged. So I'm not. The end. Enjoy.
Five Snacks You Enjoy
1.) Diet Coke-I love it more than life itself. So sad.
2.) Orange and peanut butter crackers, the absolute best thing in life
3.) Pretzels.
4.) M and M's and a glass of milk
5.) Chips and salsa... yummmm
Five Songs That You Know All The Lyrics To
1.) Brown Eyed Girl--Van Morrison
2.) Don't Stop Believin'--Journey
3.) Every song on the freakin' radio
4.) I've Got the World on a String--Michael Buble
5.) Bubbly--Colbie Caillat. I'm obsessed with that song
Five Things You Would Do If You Were a Millionaire
1.) Buy a new car
2.) Get a decent house for myself
3.) Invest wisely
4.) Lake house
5.) Boat
Five Bad Habits
1.) I procrastinate like nobody's business.
2.) I eat all the time, daytime, nighttime, anything really.
3.) I swear alllllll the time. Not good for my future career.
4.) I hate hate hate calling people.
5.) Not telling people no when I know I need to get stuff done.
Five Things You Like To Do
1.) Hanging with family/friends
2.) Hang out with my sister and brother in law, while drinking beer on their back deck
3.) Sleeping
4.) Eating all the time.
5.) Shopping.
Five Things You Would Never Wear Again
1.) Leggings, unless it was for a costume
2.) Any type of short skirt. It looks awful
3.) Shorts
4.) Straight legged jeans. Ew.
5.) I really hate turtlenecks.
Five Favorite Toys
1.) My cell is my life
2.) Computer
3.) My digital camera
4.) my shuffle
5.) that's it.
Randomly Thought Up By
1:03 PM
Other Random thoughts
Monday, October 8, 2007
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays.
Since when did bells just become "pings"? That doesn't even make sense, but I had to go to Ray-Pec High School this morning and they didn't have normal bells, but their bell seriously sounded just like a "ping" sound. It was odd.
Here's the thing about waking up early: I hate actually getting up and getting ready and going wherever, but once I get where I'm supposed to be, I actually feel more accomplished than when I sleep until whatever time. Not that this makes me a freak of nature, since I know that this happens to other people too. It is just something that I don't get. Perhaps one day I will actually be a morning person. And for my sake and my students next semester, I hope that I will be. Because I am a grumpy bitch in the morning and you do not want to cross my path.
And life is going really quickly right now. I looked at the calender today and suddenly realized that it is October 8th. I have a miniscule amount of time before I'm done with classes, student teaching, and graduating. I feel less nervous than I did when I started this semester, but I'm still pretty freaked out to know that I'm almost done. A fact that my father had to rub in my face this morning. And that I hear every single day from peers, family, parents, teachers, and friends. At least I'm getting a little more motivated in finishing things that need to be done. No point in stressing about it; I have to just do it.
Happy Monday, everyone!
Randomly Thought Up By
9:27 AM
Other Random thoughts
Saturday, October 6, 2007
You are the music in me.
I have to start off by saying that my Jayhawks beat the Wildcats today in Manhattan! No one thought they would win, but they did! 5-0, baby! On the down side, Mizzou killed Nebraska. Damnit. I guess you can't always get what you want. Oh, and I totally high-fived a guy at the mall today because he was wearing at KU shirt and he told me that they won!
I was thinking yesterday, which I know is weird, but this world is not safe at all. Here I am, living in the suburbs, where I have lived my entire life. I always thought it was a completely safe place to be. But when that girl from my high school went missing, it made me change the way I always thought about my little hometown. I didn't know the girl and I'm not pretending like I do at all. I just am so sad for her friends and family. And they found a body yesterday in Belton, but it wasn't her. But that makes another horrible tragedy that has happened around this area. I've always been a little naive to how the world works and it has opened my eyes up so much to see these types of things happening so close to where I live.
I guess there isn't really a good way to transition from that story....
I watched High School Musical 2 tonight because Joy, Jessica, and I are bad asses. It's true and don't be jealous. My last two Saturdays have been completely awesome, watching Disney movies. I am getting old, if that is what constitutes a fun Saturday for me.
Time for sleepy time. 'Night.
Randomly Thought Up By
10:58 PM
1 Other Random thoughts
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I've been coerced into this.
My sister finally talked me into doing this. Thanks Shari, I'm pretty sure I'll be addicted now.
I honestly couldn't tell you anything of interest so I'm going to apologize right now, to anyone who even reads this, because my life is the most boring thing ever. So, take it or leave it, I don't care.
I painted my nails black today. I'm a total follower in the world, I've decided. My friend at work had hers painted that color and I saw it in a magazine. I, of course, thought that it looked cute, so I did mine too. I can't decide if I like it or if I look like a total goth kid. Either way, I can't paint my nails to save my life. It looks like a 5-year old painted them. I have nail polish practically everywhere but my nails.
On that note, I think that I missed out on that girly-girl gene. I mean, I like shopping and sometimes dressing up and a few other foofy things, but for the most part, I suck at being a girl. I can't paint my nails as I've already established, I suck at doing hair, I rarely ever put on a lot of makeup, and I don't play games with people. Call me crazy, I guess.
Alright. I'm officially boring. I have nothing better to say than any of this.
Randomly Thought Up By
8:50 PM
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