I really cannot stand people who are hypocrites. It infuriates me. I realize that everyone has their moments, but good lord people.
I enjoy hanging out with all types of people and if you are nice and we get along, I really don't mind kicking it with you. But when people start saying how much they may love their girlfriend and how they are moving to be with them, etc, then why would you cheat on them? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Annnnnnd, pretend to be so into God, and all that, and then go around and get drunk and high all the time? I don't care what people do, seriously, get plastered every night and do as many drugs as you wish, but don't pretend to be a good Christian, and then go off and do those things. It makes me so angry. I, myself, am not religious in any way, but it really gets at me when people lead double lives. You can't do both and think that it is okay. Grr.
In other news.... I got all A's this semester! Well two of them were A-'s but that's still awesome to me! I feel like a real smarty. Especially after just saying 'smarty'. I'm cool, don't be jealous.
I saw I Am Legend on Friday. Phenomenal! Although I've had nightmares the last few nights, but regardless, it was still really good. I recommend it.
I'm pretty excited that Christmas is almost here, even though that means my short break is dwindling away by the minute. Still, I'm having a lot of fun actually not stressing about everything and relaxing. I slept until 1:30 the other day and it was glorious. I still need to finish up my Christmas shopping (only 2 more things left to get) and wrap everything.
Funny story. I'm sitting with my pals at a bar this evening, our Tuesday night ritual, and someone gets a text and it says that someone we all know is in jail. We all laugh at first, but the entire table gets on their phones, pulls out money to get this kid out of jail. First thought--DUI, right? No. He didn't pay his parking tickets. But in the course of half an hour, all these people had called everyone they knew and scrounged up enough money to get him out. I don't even like the kid and I gave a few dollars. It was kind of heart-warming to see even if the kid is an idiot, but still, nice to see that people can help out. Pretty cool.
Ok. I have not a clue why I'm still awake. Later gators.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'm gettin' that fo' sho, fo' sho
Randomly Thought Up By
11:44 PM
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Diet Coke, finals, and Christmas.
My, oh, my. What a day it has been. Let me just preface this by saying that I've had a few too many Diet Cokes today. I'm as jittery as a bedbug right now. I thought I needed a lot more than one to get me through the day, but it turns out I didn't. Diet Coke is the sweet nectar of the gods, I must admit. I love it. I am just like my sister and my mom; don't let me fool you for one second. We are all Diet Coke fiends.
I don't have my next "final" until 8pm tonight. Now, I've had to drag myself through this whole semester, of attending this class from 7-9:45pm every Wednesday, and then they are going to go ahead and make my final an hour later? Tell me that's crazy, becaus I know it is. We aren't taking a test or anything, just turning in our portfolios, which I just finished up. And, eating some food. That's something I can interest myself in. And, supposedly, most of the gang (yes, I know, we aren't much of a cool gang, all of us wanting to be English teachers and everything, but bear with me...it's been a long day) is going to go out for a few adult beverages after class. That should be quite....interesting, to say the least. And hopefully insanely fun. I love most of the crowd that I've had to spend 2 years of my life with, minus a few people.
I honestly have no clue what I'm rambling about right now. Sorry to everyone who is reading this. I think I've gone ahead and gone crazy.
I know everyone hates Christmas time, but I have to tell you, I love it. Ok, the shopping crowds, I don't like. Other than that, I love being able to give people gifts (I know I'm so dumb and sappy) and I love the music (I think I'm the only person who does), I love the lights and the trees, etc. I'm such a loser, I know it. Anyway, for the past few years, my parents threatened not to be put up a tree. And, yeah, they've been doing it for many years, I get it. But, I even told them I would do it for them. They refused and put it up anyway. My mom, she collects Santas and she has sooooo many, and I collect those little houses, the villages, and my dad does too. My mom put out a few Santas and I understand the daunting task of putting all of them out. When I asked if we were putting out the houses, she said no, even though, I said I would put them out myself, since they are mine. Nope, I can't do it. Why, you may ask? Because we don't have enough room. Can I put out some? No. Silly, I know. I just love Christmas and we used to do it up at my house. Now, since we are all technically adults (I use adults loosely for myself, since I'm not really one), I understand, but it makes me sad that we can't decorate and get into the holiday spirit like we used to. And, we haven't put up lights for years. My dad is afraid of heights and it's too much of a hassle. We can't even put them on the bushes or the garage. Sadness. Sorry, I guess I'm still a kid at heart. I just love Christmas and I hope that I will be able to get in the spirit when I have kids.
Ooook, well, I'm sorry if anyone had to read my insane ramblings for today. I'm not even sure what planet I'm not right now. Planet Crazy McCrazerton, that's for sure. Oh well, I'm so excited to be done with this hellacious semester!
Love to you all!
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1:43 PM
Other Random thoughts
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The madness is retreating...for now.
Soooooo, after all the stress and madness, I'm finally back posting again. Sorry to leave any of you hanging, which I did.
To start with the good stuff, I'm done with classes, officially! I have to take a couple finals on Wednesday and I'll be there all day, but other than that, I'm ready to make the most of my few week break. If I answer the phone and don't know where I am, don't be alarmed. I also got to go to the KU/MU game which was amazing, even if my Jayhawks did lose. It was still a great season and we are in the Orange Bowl. Holla.
I was in class on Wednesday night and there is this girl in there who has a serious problem with race. She is a white student. She doesn't really talk to many people in class and seems stuck up. She might not be, but she really comes across that way. Last week, she said something pertaining to African-Americans to another one of the students who just happens to be African-American. I don't remember quite what she said, but it was rude and to be honest, a little racist. This week, we had to give quick five-minute presentations. Well, the rude girl gets up and gives a fifteen-minute presentation about what, I'm not quite sure. Well, one of the other African-American students in our class asked a question about her presentation. She asked if the girl was suggesting that these black students weren't as smart as white students because of race. And the rude girl... paused! And then said no. We were all pretty appalled except for some jackasses in the corner and there was almost a rumble in class. It was awesome. And the girl who asked the question had every right to be mad. And might I add, every person in my class is studying to be a teacher, AND we are an urban institute. We do our education work in urban schools. This girl who has the problem with race is in for the ride of her life, if she thinks she's going to get away with her racist attitudes. It was just crazy to me that people can still discriminate against anyone in this day and age.
Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox.
There is this guy in my Wednesday night class that is really cute. I sound like a 13-year old girl when I say that, but he really is. And he has a Boston accent. When he talks, he has me right there. And he's going to be a teacher... Need I say any more? Every one of my gals in class feels the same way. I'm not his type, I'm sure, and I just feel stupid when I talk to him. How silly am I? Whatever, I am so lame.
And, you all remember that guy that I was having the problems with, who was so nice and wants to date me, etc. Well, I guess technically you could say that we are dating. We hang out regularly, but it's more casual. We aren't sleeping together or anything like that. We've only kissed. That's all. And...he? told me he loves me. Ahhhh. Scary? I think so. He's not a weird, creepy stalker, but he's a bit intense for this girl. I mean, I like other guys, also, so I think we are on two totally different wavelengths. He just told me this the other day. I told him we have to talk, but it's been a busy week so who knows when that'll happen. Oh, and this is the first time he's ever told a girl that. INTENSE, to say the least. It just happened the other day and I'm still totally flabbergasted.
I'm trying to think of anything else is happening. It snowed for the first time this winter today. Lame. I hate snow. I don't like driving it, I don't like being in it, it usually ruins my whole day, unless I don't want to go somewhere that I have to go and I want it to be canceled.
Okkkkkayyyyy, I got nothing left in me. I'm not sure this was the most exciting thing I've ever written, but when you haven't written for a while, you tend to get a little rusty. I promise I won't leave you all hanging anymore, at least not for a few weeks.
Randomly Thought Up By
10:11 PM
Other Random thoughts
Monday, December 3, 2007
I'm not dead.
I pretty much am over any thing that is taking part in my life right now.
Sorry for the lack of posts from me. I've been uber busy with the end of the semester (this is my last week of classes!) and with family and friends and homework and all that jazz. And I seriously thought that nothing could make it any more crazy, but lo and behold that happened. And I have to say it totally freaking sucks.
I'll elaborate a little bit later today or tomorrow. For now, I have to go to class, but I thought I would let anyone who cares know that I am not dead or anything. Just stressed, but happy it's almost over, at least for a few weeks until student teaching starts next semester.
Alright, I'll post more on the craziness later.
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10:45 AM
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